Our aim is not to cure infected people but, preventing people from getting infected.
Water Disinfectant Competitor Analysis
Safe Water™ is a combination of inorganic compounds, cationic powders and a sulphate.
Two of the products are oxidisers with powerful detergent and disinfector characteristics. The polymer is highly effective in water treatment.
The exact scientific combination of these products makes Safe Water™ a superior non-chlorine ‘point -of- use’ water purification product. It is a powerful disinfector, purificant and oxidiser.
Differentiation between Safe Water™ and other purifiers
Safe Water™ | PuR | Micropur | |
Efficacy | Based on disinfection properties of proprietary blend of persulphate salts | Based on disinfection properties of chlorine (calcium hypo chlorite)
Uses ferric sulphate to remove phosphate and calcium hypochlorite |
Based on bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties of silver |
Strong residual value of active ingredients results in water remaining free of bacteria and viruses up to 48 hours | Effective for a few hours in water (residual value determined by amount of free chlorine – ppm – in water) | Silver ions will preserve water for up to 6 months as silver ions cling to the cell walls of micro-organisms thus hindering their growth | |
Turbid water does not pose any problems due to strong flocculant and disinfectant properties of active ingredients. | Suspended matter in cloudy water can weaken effect of chlorine; flocculant separates cleaned water from murky masses | Use for clear water as suspended matter in cloudy water can weaken the effect of silver | |
Tasteless and odorless | Use antichlorine to neutralize taste of chlorine | Use antichlorine to neutralize taste of chlorine (Forte product) | |
Health | Tested against Total Coliforms, Vibrio cholera, E-coli, Salmonella and other | Tested for removal of E. coli, Salmonella typhi, Vibrio cholerae, Shigella sonnei, Klebsiella terrigena, Campylobacter jejuni, Poliovirus, Rotavirus, Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia and other | Tested against Coliforms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio cholera, E-coli, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Other | Takes 20 minutes to disinfect water
Effective against Giardia |
Takes 20 minutes to disinfect water
Not always effective against Giardia |
Takes 30 minutes to eliminate bacteria and viruses, and 120 minutes for Giardia |
Atoxinate developed to remove arsenic and other (selected) heavy metals | Can remove arsenic, chromium (III) and lead | Can not remove arsenic or other heavy metals |
Comparison between OXYGEN BASED WATER DISINFECTANT and chlorine based disinfection
Chlorine | Oxygen based water disinfectant | |
Toxic/poisonous | YES | NO |
Dangerous to store | YES | NO |
Flammable | YES | NO |
Reactive | YES | NO |
Bleach spots | YES | NO |
Depletes oxygen | YES | NO |
Noxious odor | YES | NO |
Allergenic (skin, eye and lung irritant) | YES | NO |
Harmful to the eyes | YES | NO |
Irritating to the skin | YES | NO |
Forms Trihalomethanes (THMs) | YES | NO |
Residue dissipated (not enhanced) by sunlight | YES | NO |
Long lasting residue effect | YES | YES |
Mature product cycle | YES | New innovation |
Kills algae | ONLY controls | YES |
Kills bacteria | ONLY some | YES |
Kills viruses | NO | YES |
Environmentally friendly | NO | YES |
Competitive Analysis (Summary)
Comparison | Safe Water™
Procter & Gamble | Katadyn | Eureka Forbes
Hindustan Unilever Limited Tata Chemicals |
Environmental Planning Group Limited | Waterworks Holdings International |
Brand name | “SAFE WATER”. Oxygen Water Disinfectant | PuR Purifier of Water | Micropur | Pureit / Tata Swach | EPGL | UV Waterworks |
What is it? | Blend of inorganic persulphate salts, anti-microbial bioflavonoid complexes and cationic flocculant | Blend of ferric sulphate and calcium hypochlorite | Silver chloride complex with silver ions | Safe waters that operate with replaceable filters
Filters battery operated or combination of paddy hush and silver particles |
Small scale Reverse Osmosis plants operated in metropolitan areas for institutions | Small scale Ultraviolet (UV) treatment plants that operate in partnership with communities |
Description | Conditioning of drinking water at point of use, complementary to UV, ozone & other disinfection processes with good residual value | Used in combination with filter to make contaminated water potable through coagulation & disinfection at point of use | Available in tablet, powder & liquid format
Inactivate bacteria in tanks & containers up to 6 months |
Portable safe waters with replaceable filters are used in homes
Kill up to 80% of bacteria causing water borne diseases |
Provide solutions (containerized water) to commercial, academic and other institution | High dose of UV inactivates micro-organisms, use gravity driven flow channel
Features | Environmental friendly, non-toxic & safe, free from chlorine, bromine & iodine
Destroys spores, bacteria, viruses & most common pathogen organisms |
Chlorine based
Removes chlorine resistant parasites, destroys bacteria & viruses Leads to average 50% reduction in incidence of diarrhea |
Chlorine based
Suspended matter in cloudy water weaken effect of chlorine and silver ions |
Requires no running water or energy to operate
Distribution & support in remote & rural areas seem difficult and ineffective |
Technology won various innovation rewards in India
Requires electricity infrastructure to operate |
Free of chemicals & carcinogenic DBPs
Energy efficient & does not require high pressure No residual value & suffers from same limitations as large scale UV plants |
Markets | Africa’s remote & rural areas, informal settlements
Disaster relief |
Pakistan, Kenya, Uganda, Haiti, Dominican Republic
Disaster relief |
Global travel & leisure
Disaster relief |
India metropolitan areas | India metropolitan areas | India metropolitan & rural areas |
Marketing Channels | Commercial & social distributors to Governments / NGOs | Social model partnering with NGOs
Disaster relief agencies at cost |
Via niche outdoor stores, internet Credit Card sales | Eureka Direct sales outlets
HUL & Tata retail outlets |
Plants installed in metropoles, sells water directly to public in containers | Implement community funded plants, sells directly to community |
Capacity / scaling | Micro sachets for mass distribution
Will also be packaged in tablet format at a later stage. Large bags for Bulk sales is available |
Micro sachet for mass distribution with filter | Packaged in small (1t/ℓ) & large (1t/10ℓ) tablets, powder (1g/100ℓ) & liquid (1ml/10ℓ) | 4.5-18ℓ per purifier, filter cartridges lasts 1,500-3,000ℓ before replaced | 100-2,000ℓ/hr or 2,400-48,000ℓ/day
60,000-200,000ℓ/day |
SACHET- (Purifies 25 litre water)
Our Water Purifying product is a combination of inorganic compounds, cationic powders and a sulphate. Two of the products are oxidisers with both powerful detergent and, disinfector characteristics.
The polymer is highly effective in water treatment. The exact scientific combination of these products makes Safe Water™, the superior non-chlorine ‘point –of- use’ water purification product, known to the world.
It is a powerful disinfector, purificant and oxidiser and above all it contains no dangerous chemicals. A mere 3.5g purifies and sanitises 20-25 litres of highly contaminated water that is infected with E.coli, Salmonella and Shigella every time.
With our product you will prevent cholera and the deaths caused by cholera. By using Safe Water™ you will form part of a concerned group, who will save millions of people worldwide.
TABLET (Purifies 25 litre water)
Safe Water™ 1Lt purifying Tablets come in an easy- to- use blister. The blister holds 10 tablets. It is small in size and easy to use and very light in weight. For moderate contaminated water you will press one tablet into your 1 Lt bottle of water, shake it for 10 seconds, and leave it for 5 minutes and, it is safe to drink your sanitised water.
The polymer is highly effective in water treatment. The exact scientific combination of these products makes Safe Water™, the superior non-chlorine ‘point –of- use’ water purification product, known to the world.
It is a powerful disinfector, purificant and oxidiser and above all it contains no dangerous chemicals. A mere 3.5g purifies and sanitises 20-25 litres of highly contaminated water that is infected with E.coli, Salmonella and Shigella every time.
For highly contaminated water (E.coli; 100 000 cfu/100ml), you will leave the water stable for 20 minutes and thereafter it will be safe to drink.
Water treated with Safe Water™ will not have any odour or change in taste, unlike chlorine products
One tiny tablet purifies and sanitizes 1 litre of highly contaminated water that could be infected with E.coli, Salmonella and Shigella every time.